Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rude Bwoy Ting

sharp suits

rude bowyz ... from the JA to the UK

the JA (there's a video here .... press the play button)

The UK (as above)

There's a conection between the struggle in the lower socio-economic situations that spans continents/oceans and decades ... and it boils down to three chords

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The music just turns me on!

This entry is about an idea ... posed as a question. Why music?!

I don't have the inclination to actually answer the question here at all. What want to do is simply muse on the power it can hold over us humans.

Not long ago i read
Daniel Levitin's This is Your Brain on Music. I like it. I liked it a lot. I recommend reading it if you have a passion for music. Levitin used to work in the music industry (enginner/producer and more), but packed it all in for nueroscience (as you do). As a result his approach seems to be reassuringly balanced for music nerds and nuero nerds alike.

One thing he points out is that we can't escape is the influence of music in and on our lives. Whether or not we embrace it with fanaticism (i'm kinda close to that kinda person) or we just accept it as a part of culture that pops up here and there ... music is bound with our memories as much as our experiences of the now.

I'm sure as you sit reading this you can easily associate a particular place and/or time with certain songs ... albums ... movements of music. Open up the playlist on your PC or walkman (nah, fuk you ipods!!), look at your CD collection o
r record collection ... lurking in those bits and bytes, in those grooves cut into bits of plastic are feelings, thoughts, memories and associations. (lyrics or not!).

That association with memories, thoughts and feelings is one part of the "why music" question. The other part is the level of emotion and passion it can evoke. In this respect it often trancends speech and language ... as basic as percussive rhythm .. no melody.

A piece of music has the power to immediatly sooth your mind, soul and body whilst another can demand you move some limbs and grin inanely or get ANGRY!!! Again, this will cross borders, reject language barriers and disregard many many other factors that separate people across societies. All through the simple (well not really that simple) tools of rhythm and melody.

It's no wonder that music attains spiritual kudos across pratctically every religion that ever gained a disciple, whether it be satanic death metal, hindu raggas, gospel, or roots reggae.On the flipside of course you can exploit its appeal to increase your bank balance. Either way, it's exercising its influence and undeniable power of persuasion.

I could read and write many many words, pargraphs and pages about it and still be no closer to expressing the profound effect it has on me. I feel i will return to parts of this topic in future blog entries because it is one that fascinates and consumes me so much. It turns me on, and i love to turn on other people with my discoveries (i.e. shit hot tunes) ... it drives much of what i do in my life. Why that should be the case? Fuct if i know ... the music just turns me on!

Post Script: the initial title and subsequent final line of this blog are derived from a sample heard in a number of tracks. I think I originally heard it in either the Orb's Peel Sessions recording , or Coldcut's mix of Paid In Full ... more recently
MRK1 put the sample into some dubstep pressure.